Thursday, February 18, 2010

Revolutionary Parenting

George Barna, researcher, author and speaker, shares about "drawing a line in the sand" when it comes to setting rules/boundaries for your children concerning their behavior. He lists twelve expectations or rules.
  • Tell the truth
  • Never cheat or steal
  • Make sure at least one parent knows where you are at all times. Get parental approval before you go from one place to another
  • Show respect for others, no matter how you feel about them
  • Help and serve others
  • Control your tongue
  • Do not judge other people's motives. Judge their behavior only insofar as it personally affects you or family members
  • Take good care of your body
  • Actively pursue your faith
  • Do your best at school
  • Do your household chores
  • Accept punishment/discipline as an appropriate response to breaking the rules
Stormie Omartian, author and speaker, shares in her book The Power of Praying for Your Children, "We consider telling a lie to be the worst offense because it is foundational for all other evil acts. Every sin or crime begins with someone believing or speaking a lie."

What are your thoughts, as a parent, concerning what Barna found in his research concerning the rules effective parents had put in place in order to raise godly children and or Omartian's thoughts about lying?

Monday, January 25, 2010

Revolutionary Parenting

As a parent, what comes to your mind when you hear the word "intentional?"

I've sometime said that my parents could have parented unconsciously. They didn't, however, it was a different a world. I was raised in a world in which everyone around me, around my family believed in the same things--valued the same things. Every person on my street felt free to correct me if they saw me doing something wrong. Today, a growing number of families do not even know their neighbors and the chances of everyone on your street having the same belief system has become extremely rare. I never came home to an empty house and we had lots of extended family in the same town who had a vested interest in my well-being.

If your goal, as a parent, is to raise children who love the Lord with all their heart, mind, soul and strength--then words like "intentional, purposeful and determined" must become part of your thinking, discussion and come to life in your actions and interactions with your family, day-to-day.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Revolutionary Parenting

What does it mean to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength? What thoughts, feelings, and actions does this involve? Revisit Mark 12:28-31

Up to now, what--if anything--have you been doing to pursue the goal of raising children who love God and others deeply?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Revolutionary Parenting

How are you doing in loving God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength?
What are your strengths and what are one or two areas where you're weak?
How can you grow in these areas of weakness?
How can you cooperate with God in developing the habits of loving God?

Pray Philippians 1:3-6 and 9-11 for yourself, your spouse and your children.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Revolutionary Parenting

WOW! There were twenty-eight of you present for our session this evening. I want each of you to know that I have already begun to pray for you--praying for each of us to be open to how God desires to work in our lives to relieve stress and help us prioritize our lives so we are able to invest in those things that are truly important.

Don't forget to ask God to reveal to you where you are getting your standard for measuring how well you are doing as a parent.

Revolutionary Parenting

Revolutionary Parenting is one of a number of books George Barna has written for parents having a desire to raise children well-grounded in the truths of scripture--the Bible. Parenting (aka child-rearing) is a high calling, requiring a parent's best day-to-day, always leaning on and trusting God for His wisdom.
As you delve into this study with your heart and mind, I have no doubt you will be blessed, challenged and encouraged. I look forward to joining you on this journey.